New from Ivan Chan Studio! If Only
Please click on the image to read the description, see detailed pics, and to bid on this original painting.
Ivan Chan Studio: Invite Beauty
Original Art and Quality Artisan Crafts For Sale. Reasonable fees for original arts and crafts by the best self-representing artists on ebay. Fine art, stained glass, fibre art, artisan dolls, wearable art, jewelry, pottery, raku, silversmith, quilts, wall hangings, sculpture,hand knits, dog sweaters, unique gifts, home decor, interior decorating.
Please click on the image to read the description, see detailed pics, and to bid on this original painting.
Ivan Chan Studio: Invite Beauty
Please click on the image to read the description, see detailed pics, and to purchase this piece of good fortune!
Ivan Chan Studio: Invite Beauty
Labels: Chinese, citrus, fortune, luck, lunar, New Year, orange, prosperity, surrealism, tangerine
Hey Folks! This is the very latest in my Impressions Series of Abstract Paintings. Titled "Morning Calls" it really has to do with the very beginnings of the sun coming up, and the beginning sounds of the singing birds here in the Pacific Northwest Rain Forests. Deep, lush and absolutely beautiful. Abstract Expressionism, northwest style! Click on the image to view more on the piece and information on the starting bid at eBay, and thanks! Chris
Labels: northwest abstract art original painting expressionism collage mixed media songs birds forests rain
Please click on the image to read the description, see detailed pics, and to purchase a print from this highly limited edition (only one remaining!).
Ivan Chan Studio: Invite Beauty
Labels: Asian, Chinese, floral, giclee, Japanese, koi, limited edition, oriental poppies, print, surrealism, Zen
Please click on the image to read the description, see detailed pics, and to purchase this original painting.
Ivan Chan Studio: Invite Beauty
Please click on the image to read the description, see detailed pics, and to purchase the last of this highly limited edition print (only three made) of Rapture.
Ivan Chan Studio: Invite Beauty
Labels: canvas, giclee, halo, limited edition, print, rapture, sensual, spiritual
Please click on the image to read the description, see detailed pics, and to purchase this stunning piece.
Ivan Chan Studio: Invite Beauty